Two people with osteoarthritis sit at a table with vegetables high in vitamin k.

Can vitamin K help prevent osteoarthritis?

As your age progresses, you may experience changes in your body. A common challenge is joint wear and tear, also known as osteoarthritis. This condition can cause significant impediments to daily functioning. Vitamin K can help delay this wear and tear. In addition, our physiotherapists are ready to help you when you suffer from...

Sir suffers from back pain and is helped by physiotherapist

Don't treat your nonspecific back pain as B symptoms!

Back pain is among one of the most commonly cited health problems, with nonspecific back pain taking the lead. Perhaps you recognise these complaints. Characteristically, they lack a clearly identifiable physical cause. These complaints are often unfairly considered minor. In this blog, we delve deeper into this topic and highlight why it is crucial...