Quick Q&A with Kelsey!

Also this month, we introduce 1 of our professionals! What lies behind the therapist himself? Is he or she a bit sporty himself or herself and what hobbies are there besides work? We asked our colleague Kelsey in the quick-question round-up! Function; Physiotherapist How healthy do you live yourself and what do you pay attention to? I...

Hyperventilation, physiotherapy

Hyperventilation tips

Hyperventilation... A medical term for breathing too fast. On average, adults breathe ten times a minute. With hyperventilation, this is more than double. When this happens, too much carbon dioxide disappears from your body and too much oxygen is taken in. In acute hyperventilation, you get short of breath, may feel like you are...

Ode to the Dutch language

Do you like puns and proverbs? Our Dutch language has very many proverbs, sayings, sayings and proverbs. To stay close to home, we have selected for you the nicest proverbs related to the back (and more). An ode to the Dutch language. Proverbs with backs Proverb: The money doesn't grow on me....

Quick question round, Daan de Jong

Of course, you already knew that our colleagues are professionals. But what lies behind the therapist himself? Is he or she a bit sporty and what hobbies are there besides work? We asked our colleague Daan in the quick-question round-up! You can read it here; Name; Daan de Jong Function; physiotherapist How healthy do you live...

physio Amstelveen, physiotherapy Amstelveen, physio complaints, physiotherapy complaints, Amstelveen complaints, physio neck, physiotherapy neck, neck Amstelveen

Neck pain: How does it occur and what is its risk?

Neck pain is common. Examples include: neck pain; osteoarthritis; poor posture; neck injury and a herniated disc. You can get neck pain from conditions that affect your muscles, such as bad posture while sleeping. A fancy word is cervical complaints. What are neck complaints? These complaints are often thought of as a dull pain. Sometimes this pain gets worse because...

physio Amstelveen, physiotherapy Amstelveen, physio runner's knee, physiotherapy runner's knee, Amstelveen runner's knee, physio injury, physiotherapy injury, Amstelveen injury

Runner's knee: an annoying sports injury

Do you experience burning, stabbing pain on the outside of your knee while exercising? This may indicate a runner's knee. This injury mainly occurs in runners and cyclists because they train (too) much. How do you recognise a runner's knee? During exercise, the pain slowly sets in. As the pain becomes increasingly severe, it is impossible to...

What can a physiotherapist do?

Within the practice, we notice that our clients, but also referrers and other collaborators sometimes find it difficult to get a good picture of what a physiotherapist can/does and for which conditions you can and cannot go to a physiotherapist. We understand this like no other! After all, there is no other...

EXECUTIVE: Postural syndrome, what is it?

As back specialists, we cannot say it often enough, but adopting the right posture is very important to prevent back pain. More and more often, we see people coming into the practice who suffer from back pain when sitting, standing or lying down for long periods of time. This, while these complaints can often be easily prevented by adopting the right posture...