Peter wears a bike helmet in Amstelveen and works on his saddle sore by adjusting his saddle.

Preventing saddle sores, how do you do it?

The summer season is ideally suited for taking beautiful long cycling trips. Even if you are not an experienced cyclist, you can easily cover long distances with an electric bike nowadays. However, cycling fun is not so obvious for everyone. In fact, many (inexperienced) cyclists suffer from saddle sores. In order to give all cycling fans a nice and pain-free cycling summer anyway,...

whiplash, whiplash, trauma-related neck pain, neck pain, traffic accident, shoulder pain, dizziness, headache, dizziness, tingling, neck pain, bpdd, headache pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, trunk area, acute, trauma

Do you have whiplash?

Whiplash is very unpleasant. The symptoms can persist for a long time and, in the case of a severe whiplash, you may not get rid of them at all. Good physiotherapy support is essential to recovering from whiplash. Literally, whiplash means 'whiplash'. It usually results from a (traffic) accident, in which your head and neck take a violent 'whip'...

What can a physiotherapist do?

Within the practice, we notice that our clients, but also referrers and other collaborators sometimes find it difficult to get a good picture of what a physiotherapist can/does and for which conditions you can and cannot go to a physiotherapist. We understand this like no other! After all, there is no other...

EXECUTIVE: Postural syndrome, what is it?

As back specialists, we cannot say it often enough, but adopting the right posture is very important to prevent back pain. More and more often, we see people coming into the practice who suffer from back pain when sitting, standing or lying down for long periods of time. This, while these complaints can often be easily prevented by adopting the right posture...