online physiotherapy

online physiotherapy

From the press conference on 23 March, it was further emphasised that the use of physiotherapy is and remains necessary precisely in these times to relieve GPs and hospitals and continue to help you reduce and remedy physical complaints. The movement care we provide through physiotherapy, however, will mostly be online,...

shoulder complaints

Do you have shoulder problems?

Shoulder pain, everyone suffers from it from time to time. Shoulder pain usually occurs during sports or at the office. Pain in the shoulder can have several causes but is generally caused by incorrect posture or overuse. Want to know what you can do for shoulder pain and what we can do for you? Read here...

physio Amstelveen, physiotherapy Amstelveen, physiotherapist Amstelveen, physio tendon, physiotherapy tendon, physiotherapist tendon, Amstelveen tendon, physio inflammation, physiotherapy inflammation, physiotherapist inflammation, Amstelveen inflammation

Physiotherapy for tendinitis

Tendonitis is a painful and persistent injury to the tendon. The tendon is a type of ligament that connects muscles to a bone. When this ligament is overloaded, it can tear, causing irritation. In this case, we talk about tendinitis (tendinopathy). Actually, tendinitis does not involve...

Cheapest health insurance policies with physiotherapy in 2020

The new health insurance policies have been announced. It is now possible to switch health insurance for 2020. A calculation by Zorgwijzer shows that the health insurance policies have become slightly more expensive but the differences between them are still considerable! For instance, the difference between the cheapest and most expensive health insurance on an annual basis is as much as...