woman sits in a car suffering from a neck hernia

What is a neck hernia?

It is estimated that around two million people in the Netherlands suffer from back and neck pain. Some neck pain is only short-term and goes away within a few days with some rest and stretching. Unfortunately, this does not apply to a neck hernia. The symptoms of a herniated disc usually last about two months

Woman no longer suffers burnout and sits in a field of dandelions

Burnout and physiotherapy

Do you think you have burnout because you are exhausted and incapable of doing anything? Everything, but really everything, takes up too much energy? Do you have both mental and physical symptoms that have been bothering you for months? Then it is important that you sound the alarm now and seek adequate help...

A group of children walk to school without back pain in Amstelveen

Back 2 School without back pain

The school year has started again and all children and students are back in school. The halls are crowded with teenagers with (too) heavy backpacks and at the back of the classroom someone is sitting hunched over listening to the lesson. Unfortunately, there are still too many youngsters who suffer from back, neck...