woman no longer in pain after treatment for rsi symptoms

5 tips to prevent RSI complaints

On the last day of February, RSI, or Repetitive Strain Injury, is given a moment's thought worldwide. As this day is usually 28 February but sometimes 29 February, this is the only 'non-repetitive' day of the year. So an ideal day to raise our awareness around this condition. We at FriskFysio feel it is important...

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5 tips to prevent RSI complaints

On the last day of February, RSI, or Repetitive Strain Injury, is given a moment's thought worldwide. As this day is usually 28 February but sometimes 29 February, this is the only 'non-repetitive' day of the year. So an ideal day to raise our awareness around this condition. We at FriskFysio feel it is important...

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Resolutions you can keep

Every year we make new resolutions, such as quitting smoking, cutting down on sweets or exercising more. Unfortunately, most resolutions are given up halfway through January because they are not very realistic. That is why we have set 6 resolutions for you that are achievable, so that you will still be a bit fitter and...