osteoporosis amstelveen, osteoporosis, osteoporosis, bone decalcification, bone fractures, vertebral collapse, spontaneous bone fractures, fall prevention, stability, porous bone, weak bones, brittle bones, back pain osteoporosis, back pain, physiotherapist, physiotherapy, exercise therapy

Afraid of brittle bones or osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis, as osteoporosis is also called, is associated with old age and is often thought to be a typical female ailment. These are fables. Osteoporosis can occur at both younger and older ages, and in both men and women. Of the approximately 1 million people with osteoporosis, about 30% are men. It therefore occurs...

Stress, stress physio, stress physiotherapy, stress physiotherapist, stress reduction, stress reduction physio, stress reduction physiotherapy, stress reduction physiotherapist, psychosomatic, physical complaints, psychosomatic complaints, mental complaints, overworked, stiff muscles, tense muscles, pressure, work,

Avoid stress with these 7 handy tips

Do you recognise that? Besides a busy working day, incoming messages on WhatsApp and having to meet deadlines, you have to do housework when you get home. Day in and day out, these factors cause building stress. Does this feeling become too much for you? Then you may suffer from tense shoulders and headaches. Then you might...

asthma, stuffy, asthma attack, allergy, allergic, breathing, pulmonary physiotherapy, pulmonary physiotherapist, psychosomatic physiotherapy, sports physiotherapy, sports physiotherapist, psychosomatic physiotherapist, breathing exercises, puffer, asthma medicine, help with asthma, living with asthma, physiotherapy, physio for asthma, physiotherapy for asthma, physio

Living with asthma, how do you do it?

Do you have asthma? Then you know that your lungs react very sensitively to stimuli, such as smoke, exhaust fumes, dust mites or pets. It can make you very short of breath or cause you to cough. If this comes on suddenly, it is called an asthma attack. Fortunately, this is not the case for everyone. How bad the asthma is varies from person to person....

hay fever, hay fever symptoms, runny nose, itchy cough, headache, fatigue, tightness in the chest, physiotherapy hay fever, physiotherapist hay fever, sports hay fever, outdoor sports hay fever, indoor sports hay fever, tips, sports tips hay fever

Exercising with hay fever

Hay fever can cause annoying symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath and cold symptoms. The last thing on your mind is to exercise outdoors. This is quite understandable, but of course not conducive to your health. If you are an avid athlete, you naturally want to maintain your accumulated fitness. We will tell you how to do this despite your...