Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases in the Netherlands, but did you know that it is also one of the leading causes of death in our country? Over 1 million Dutch people have diabetes and this number is still rising sharply.
What is diabetes anyway?
Diabetes is also known as diabetes and causes the body to lose its ability to adequately regulate blood sugars due to a lack of insulin or the body not responding properly to insulin.
Different types of Diabetes
At Type 1 diabetes patients will have to determine blood sugar levels every day and have set times to add insulin to the body. They also eat according to instructions from a doctor or nurse. The patient may also wear a pump which regulates blood sugar values. All this is because the body does not produce enough insulin.
At Type 2 diabetes is that there is too little insulin in the body, or it does not respond as well to insulin. Type 2 can usually be treated with tablets.
The role of our physiotherapist
What makes physiotherapy important in this story? Studies have shown that exercise for diabetes patients improves insulin sensitivity, but also increases glucose tolerance.
Our physiotherapists can guide clients through this. Together, we will first carefully analyse the complaints and discuss health and daily functioning. We then draw up a clear and effective treatment plan tailored to the client's physical capabilities and wishes.
What does the treatment consist of?
Depending on the objectives, treatment may include; fitness training, strength exercises and balance and coordination exercises.
Also, exercise also helps improve stamina, muscle strength, sense of balance and general wellbeing. It also improves body composition and weight, and reduces the risks of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.
If necessary, our physiotherapist will coordinate treatment with other healthcare providers to create a mulitidisciplinary plan of action.
(Source: Diabetes Fund) and https://www.gezondheidsplein.nl/dossiers/bloedsuiker-meten-bij-diabetes-en-cgm/item11937