Sport and exercise with Parkinson's disease is quite a challenge. Yet it is very important for people with Parkinson's disease to keep up enough exercise, as it improves mobility and balance. Do you have parkinson's and want to know how you can still maintain an active and healthy quality of life through sport and exercise? Then read this blog.
Why sport and exercise with parkinson's?
Do you have parkinson's and would like to get started with exercise or sports? Then you are probably wondering if this is possible. The short answer to that is yes. For people with parkinson's, sports exercise is actually a good idea. Research from the Radboudumc on the positive effect of exercise on brain function in parkinson's patients has revealed that regular exercise improves brain function in patients with parkinson's disease. In patients who actively cycled on the exercise bike for 45 minutes three times a week, brain shrinkage was found to decrease and thinking improved. Exercising caused changes in the brain, which cause parkinson's symptoms to decrease.
Tips for sports and exercise with parkinson's
For many people, it is difficult to sustain an exercise programme for a long time. Usually, after a few weeks, the motivation is gone. That is why we share some tips with you so that you can still keep exercising for a long time.
Tip 1. Link the activity to a game
To keep exercising, it can work to link a game or challenge to exercising. Games aim to give you extra motivation. This motivational games ensure that you keep your focus on sports. One game, for example, is competing against other players in a race. This way, you are constantly challenged to cycle faster and set new times.
Tip 2. Choose an activity you enjoy
The moment you undertake an activity you enjoy, intrinsic motivation is also a lot higher. For instance, there are several activities you can do in groups as well as on your own. Examples include dancing, pilates, yoga, boxing, cycling, running, table tennis and many more.
Tip 3. Consult your physiotherapist before you start
Before you start, it is important to make sure that what you want to do is actually done safely. That is why it is important to contact one of our physiotherapists. This will tell you exactly which sports you can all play safely and what to look out for.
Boxing with parkinson's
Do you have parkinson's yourself or know someone with parkinson's and want to get started with sports and exercise? Then, for example, non-contact boxing could be the ideal solution. This way, you can box without getting into a fight. Boxing trains your balance, speed and hand-eye coordination. Participants are exposed to punching against heavy bags, which builds muscles. Through footwork, balance is also worked on.
Want to start playing sports and exercising with parkinson's?
The moment you want to start sports and exercise with parkinson's, it is wise to consult your physiotherapist first. You can do this by contacting us via the contact form on our website. You can also call 085-5000333 or send an e-mail to We will contact you as soon as possible.