Do you like puns and proverbs? Our Dutch language has very many proverbs, sayings, sayings and proverbs. To stay close to home, we have selected for you the nicest proverbs related to the back (and more). An ode to the Dutch language.
Proverbs with backs
Proverb: The money doesn't grow on my back.
Meaning: hard work is needed for the money.
Proverb: Having a broad back.
Meaning: able to endure a lot.
Proverb: He has his back against the wall.
Meaning: He no longer has any alternatives.
Proverb: That goes behind his back.
Meaning: It happens without his knowledge.
Proverb: Wanting to cut two backs out of a pig.
Meaning: wanting to get double benefit from one thing.
Proverb: I don't have eyes in my back.
Meaning: I cannot see what is happening behind me.
Proverb: His back itches.
Meaning: He asks for a beating.
Proverb: Having the wind at your back.
Meaning: a time of prosperity.
Proverb: Shrugging your shoulders.
Meaning: committing oneself to something.
Proverb: Facing someone head on.
Meaning: to resist someone.
Proverb: Taking on too much.
Meaning: to be saddled with a problem.