We all suffer from back pain from time to time. Sometimes back pain feels so severe that you would prefer to swallow a paracetamol every hour. However, did you know that most back pain can be relieved by doing regular targeted back exercises? This ensures that you keep the muscles around the spine strong and flexible. This mainly involves stretching exercises. In this blog, we tell you why stretching is so effective for back pain and how to get the most results from the exercises.
Why stretching works for back pain?
Moving and stretching regularly can help relieve your back pain. In fact, your muscles relax by stretching. Stretching also improves blood circulation, which nourishes your spine. Regular stretching not only helps to loosen your muscles and eliminate existing back pain, but it also strengthens your back, reducing the likelihood of back pain.
"When it comes to back pain, regular stretching is a win-win."
Stretching routine
For back pain relief, make a daily routine of your stretches. Stretching is one of the most effective ways to relieve back pain - if you are consistent with exercising. To get into a routine here, you need to stretch every day. If you want to get as much benefit from exercise as possible, it is extremely important to keep it up and not skip a day if you don't feel like it.
Tip 1: Stretch when you wake up
Do you also always stretch first thing when getting up in the morning? Very good! This already makes your muscles more relaxed. So be sure to make stretching in the morning a habit. It will give you an energy boost for the rest of the day.
Tip 2: Stretching before bedtime
Stretching and doing some relaxing stretches when you wake up is wonderfully relaxing. The same goes for stretching just before you go to sleep. By doing some relaxing stretches before your head hits the pillow, you can relieve the tension of the day, relaxing your body and making it easier to fall asleep. This will do your back a lot of good!
Tip 3: Keep set stretching times
If you want to get as much out of your stretches as possible, it is advisable to set times during the day so you don't forget. For example, set an alarm on your phone to remind you to get up every two hours to do some stretches.
Would you like to receive stretching exercises for back pain?
Friskfysio has special stretching exercises for back pain. Depending on the cause and extent of your back pain, we can put together a special exercise programme. Do you want to get rid of your back pain responsibly? Then contact us via our contact form.