Cheapest health insurance policies with physiotherapy in 2020

The new health insurance policies have been announced. It is now possible to switch health insurance for 2020. A calculation by Zorgwijzer shows that the health insurance policies have become slightly more expensive but the differences between them are still considerable! For instance, the difference between the cheapest and most expensive health insurance on an annual basis is as much as...

lumbago, physiotherapy Amstelveen,

Physiotherapy for lumbago

Have you ever experienced 'it suddenly shoots into your back'? If so, it may be lumbago. Lumbago is an acute form of back pain, where you experience a sudden painful and cramped feeling in your back. In medical terms, it is also referred to as acute lumbago or lumbago, which literally means 'lower back pain'. Characteristics...

Hyperventilation, physiotherapy

Hyperventilation tips

Hyperventilation... A medical term for breathing too fast. On average, adults breathe ten times a minute. With hyperventilation, this is more than double. When this happens, too much carbon dioxide disappears from your body and too much oxygen is taken in. In acute hyperventilation, you get short of breath, may feel like you are...