well-insured physiotherapy 2024

Well insured for physiotherapy in 2024

PLEASE NOTE: FRISKFYSIO has also concluded an agreement with all health insurers for 2024. So you can visit us in the new year with peace of mind and well insured. If you decide not to take out supplementary physiotherapy insurance with your health insurer, please check our webshop for the options available if you do not have...

Neck pain while driving? 3 useful tips

Neck pain is a common problem among people who drive long distances or regularly sit in the car. It can be an annoying and hindering experience, which can affect your driving comfort and overall well-being. Fortunately, physiotherapy can provide an effective solution to relieve neck pain and improve your driving experience. That is why our physiotherapist has...

How do you get rid of a hernia?

A hernia can be quite painful. Hernias can occur in different parts of your body. The lower back and neck are most commonly affected. Fortunately, physiotherapy offers a good solution. If you think you have a herniated disc, don't linger too long with it. In general, the earlier you...

woman sits in a car suffering from a neck hernia

What is a neck hernia?

It is estimated that around two million people in the Netherlands suffer from back and neck pain. Some neck pain is only short-term and goes away within a few days with some rest and stretching. Unfortunately, this does not apply to a neck hernia. The symptoms of a herniated disc usually last about two months