Woman has hypermobility and comes to physiotherapist in Amstelveen at FriskFysio location

Hypermobility, how can physiotherapy help?

When we think of hypermobility, we quickly think of someone who is incredibly limber. Yet it is possible that people who are hypermobile actually feel stiff and suffer from overworked tendons and muscles more quickly. In that case, we speak of hypermobility syndrome (HMS). In this blog, we tell you more about hypermobility and HMS and read...

woman no longer in pain after treatment for rsi symptoms

5 tips to prevent RSI complaints

On the last day of February, RSI, or Repetitive Strain Injury, is given a moment's thought worldwide. As this day is usually 28 February but sometimes 29 February, this is the only 'non-repetitive' day of the year. So an ideal day to raise our awareness around this condition. We at FriskFysio feel it is important...

rsi, chance, complaints, pain, rsi complaints, muscle complaints, joint complaints, muscles, joints, hands, wrists, shoulders, neck, arms, symptoms, occurrence, prevention, physio, physiotherapy, physiotherapist

5 tips to prevent RSI complaints

On the last day of February, RSI, or Repetitive Strain Injury, is given a moment's thought worldwide. As this day is usually 28 February but sometimes 29 February, this is the only 'non-repetitive' day of the year. So an ideal day to raise our awareness around this condition. We at FriskFysio feel it is important...