Back pain: causes and tips at a glance

Did you know that lower back pain is one of the most common health complaints? Not surprising if you have suffered from it at times. The symptoms often increase as your age progresses. Besides age, there are often other causes that can lead to back pain, such as lifestyle, physical work or incorrect posture. In this...

woman relaxes with a book and a cup of coffee to avoid muscle aches

Muscle pain due to stress

Muscle pain in your back, shoulders or neck? It could be due to stress! Do you regularly suffer from back pain? Or are the muscles in your neck tense? Then it may well be that you are experiencing a lot of stress, unnoticed. You probably already knew that stress has adverse effects on our bodies. For example, many people become...

A group of children walk to school without back pain in Amstelveen

Back 2 School without back pain

The school year has started again and all children and students are back in school. The halls are crowded with teenagers with (too) heavy backpacks and at the back of the classroom someone is sitting hunched over listening to the lesson. Unfortunately, there are still too many youngsters who suffer from back, neck...