Because of the measures around the coronavirus, people are moving less. Activities are cancelled, groceries are delivered at home, sports clubs are closed and people sit at home much more. You would like to exercise but you will wonder to what extent this is responsible. In this article, you will read the answers to some questions about sports and exercise in the time of COVID-19.
Why should I keep moving?
Moving less causes your muscle strength to decrease and your fitness level to deteriorate. Regular exercise stimulates the immune system, keeps your muscles, tendons and bones strong and reduces feelings of anxiety and stress. Dutch exercise guidelines are: at least 150 minutes per week of moderate to intensive exercise. From 65 years of age onwards, balance exercises are also advised.
I exercise a lot: can I keep training?
Yes, exercising keeps you fit. Fit people are less likely to get sick. If you do get sick, the symptoms are often less severe. We advise you not to train too intensively, because you are more susceptible to infection shortly after intensive training. Try to avoid efforts from which you have to recover for two days or more. This will also prevent injuries that you can get if you start too intensively without training or build-up.
Can I exercise if I have symptoms?
If you feel weak and/or have a fever or muscle aches, do not train. If you only have mild complaints such as a sore throat, cough or stuffy nose, you can train. We do recommend moderate-intensity exercise, i.e. exercises/movements from which you will recover within a day.
Can I exercise outside?
Yes, just be careful of too cold air. This can increase susceptibility to infection. If it is very cold, start warming up indoors. Don't wait too long to shower and change clothes and ALWAYS keep the one-and-a-half-metre distance.
To conclude; some tips
- Stop smoking! For help, visit;
- Also, wash your hands with soap again immediately after exercising for 20 seconds;
- Keep one-and-a-half metres or more away;
- Get a good night's sleep;
- Avoid stress;
- Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.
We also have more tips that will help you boost your resistance. With a higher resistance, you are more resistant to infections. Read HERE our tips.